Cultural life? Music, films and books are all easily transferred across the border on the internet and in print, so I don’t suppose the German people would lack for material being imported.
Gadgets, tools and machinery? Would Mercedes, Porsche and BMW continue to push the boundaries of automotive design and invention? The same logic as for pharmaceutical patents applies – companies could continue to be based in Germany (availing themselves of the cheap pharmaceuticals) and file non-DE designated EPs. In any event, the Pirate Party is not advocating the abolition of all patents, only threatening to roll back the “ever-growing tide of trivial, incomprehensible, overreaching patents”. They will do this by:
(1) “raising the bar on how innovative an idea has to be before it can be patented” [Merpel thought absolute novelty was already required…]Interestingly, there is no talk of how the Pirate Party would handle infringement of IP rights - perhaps the easiest way to achieve their aims would be to disband the IP courts (come the revolution, the Dusseldorf court would surely be first up against the wall! See here)
(2) “prohibiting patents on software, business methods, concepts, colours and smells.” [Good idea, says Merpel, but she is sure she’s seen rules like that before…]
(3) “We will require a working model to be provided to the patent office before a patent is granted” [Merpel thinks it will be a lucky business that wins the warehousing contract for the patent office]
(4) “we will strictly enforce the current rule that patents are invalid if they are "obvious to someone skilled in the art". [Merpel recommends revoking the patent]
(5) “We will allow more competition in the manufacture of patented devices by introducing a system of compulsory patent licensing, and we will provide exemptions to patent law for non-commercial use, personal study and academic research.” [Good idea, says Merpel, but she is sure she’s seen rules like that before…]
So Germany might be a land of cheap generic drugs, counterfeit fashion goods, low quality electronic goods, familiar-looking restaurants serving food tasting not quite as anticipated…. hang on – I know a country like that! As China drags its IP laws and practice into the 21st century, Germany is on course to take its place.
We should note that the international Pirate Party is a moderate force in the world of anti-copyright activists, recently calling for members of Operation Payback to cease their attacks.
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