Glenn Beck (seen above left on GBTV, photo from his website) is in Israel now hugging Land-lovers, dodging Arab antagonists and avoiding anti-missionary-watchdogs.
What is Glenn Beck really?
** He has spoken out for Israel when few have been as courageous.
** He has spoken out against an American president that many say are bad for America (in addition to being bad for Israel).
** Whether you like him or not, whether you feel he's touring Israel for personal, religious or honest motives, he has absolutely shown courage in the face of criticism and suspicion.
So, is he a secret/not-secret missionary?
Is he hoping to bring on the End of Days? http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2011/07/17/glen-beck%E2%80%99s-rallies-in-israel-pro-israel-or-pro-apocalypse/
Should we fear his rally in Jerusalem?
I truly have no idea.
But I'd like to talk to all Beck's critics, critics of all Christian Zionists, and any lover of Israel.
Glenn Beck and Christian Zionists speak out for Israel.
Where are you when the microphone is turned on at a rally? Who is the great Jewish leader to get up in front of hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands to speak up for Israel?
Regular believing Christians write proud and moving articles or letters to the editor in newspapers, on the internet and talkbacks worldwide. How many times have you said, "I wish there was a Jewish person who spoke so eloquently in defense of Israel." Where was your article, your letter to the editor, your talkback?
Where are today's Jewish heroes and heroines who can draw the crowds to stand up for Israel? Where are the Jewish media darlings who can speak for Israel and start the cameras rolling at his/her appearance?
I don't mean politicians. I mean real honest to goodness people who speak and can light up the hearts of man to love and defend Israel.
If we don't want Christian Zionists to ignite the Zionist or ethical or moral souls of the world, then let's find some Jewish person who can gather myriads around him and call out to the world that "G-d created the world and He gave Israel to the Jewish people as His eternal gift."
If you don't want Glenn Beck to do it, then you do it, or find someone else to do it.
Israel needs a spokesman now. If Christians or Christian Zionists take that role now, that's your/my fault, because we haven't provided an alternative.
So, who's it going to be, Glenn Beck or You?
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