
Monday, 16 February 2009

To cap it all!

Hastings Guise (Field Fisher Waterhouse) has drawn the IPKat's attention to this item on Springwise concerning an enterprising business called Lucky Seven. This company makes custom caps that bear the logos of fictional companies featured in cult films and television shows. According to this article,
"Lucky Seven's caps are all made to order. On the company’s website, customers are invited to design their own caps by choosing either a mesh or army style cap, a colour combination from an extensive palate, style of captain's laurels, and the preferred fictional company's crest. Want to declare your loyalty to the promise and opportunity of Blade Runner's Off World Colonies? Done. Prefer people to think you shot J.R. because of your Ewing Oil cap? No problem. Every order is shipped in a Lucky Seven hat box, and caps are priced at GBP 30.

The company has cleverly focused on a very narrow niche—not just customized caps, or accessories featured in movies, but caps with logos of fictional yet memorable entities. Immediately recognizable only to likeminded fans, a Lucky Seven cap is both a conversation starter and an insider's status symbol. Which is the kind of added value that can help a small business grow. One to learn from!"
The IPKat notes that this item immediately sparks off interesting issues concerning property in, and control of, fictional brands, corporations and the like. This obviously calls for a learned article in a learned journal: will anyone volunteer to write it?  Merpel says she's waiting for caps that feature fictional Kats -- but would anyone want to be seen wearing an IPKap?

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