
Thursday, 19 February 2009

The Kats salute three new Silks

The IPKat is delighted to learn that, of the 104 barristers who have been elevated to the status of Queen's Counsel, three are members of the intellectual property fraternity. They are, in alphabetical order,
* Michael Tappin (8 New Square)
* Justin Turner (3 New Square)
* Mark Vanhegan (11 South Square)
Congratulations are due all round, says the IPKat.  Indeed, agrees Merpel, in this era of recession, depression, economic stagnation and what have you, it's good to know that at least some people can charge a bit more for their services with a clear conscience.

Right: barrister bear can be purchased from the Carbolic Smoke Ball Company. When he takes silk, the price goes up ..

The full list of new Silks can be found here.

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