Right: even when there's a downturn you can still be happy
IPKat team blogger Jeremy is in the chair and promises to do his best to keep the speaker on their toes. The event takes place in Central London on Tuesday 17 February, 11am to 3pm, and it's a great bargain too: just £50 + VAT, inclusive of lunch and 3 CPD points. further details are available here. The first five in-housers were given free admission and the Kat hears rumours that the next in-house trade mark applicant to apply might just gain complimentary admission too ...
Another event in the pipeline is the first-ever CLT one-day conference, "Intellectual Property in the Education Sector: meeting the challenges of changing times". This event, also with IPKat team blogger Jeremy in the chair, takes place on Thursday 19 March, again in Central London. You can read the programme, which has the booking arrangements, here.
To commemorate this event the IPKat is holding another competition. This time it's a return to the haiku: entrants are asked to compose a haiku in the traditional Japanese style, connecting the subjects of intellectual property and education. There are two further conditions: (i) no references must be made to cats or Kats and (ii) there are to be absolutely no arguments as to what constitutes a haiku. The deadline is Sunday 8 March, midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) and entries should be emailed to the IPKat here with the subject line "Educomp". The winner gets free entry to the conference, and a chance to read his or her haiku out to the assembled masses who attend the event ...
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