
Thursday 19 August 2010

Homegrown Talent

Efrat/Gush Etzion, you probably know, is the regional home of two of the most talented groups of women in Israel - the Raise Your Spirits theater company and DAMES of the DANCE. I am honored to have founded both groups. The women in both RYS and DAMES dedicate their time, as well as their hearts and souls for their audiences and whatever charity they benefit at the time.
What's exciting in Efrat/Gush Etzion is when a new generation of performing women comes to the fore.
I was witness to that recently when I was invited to see a show, featuring a talented young woman who was raised in Gush Etzion (Tekoa to be exact) - Sima Goren. I had the opportunity to include my story about Sima and the theater company in which she performs. Here it is:

Mikro Theater Presents Maxi Entertainment
A new theater audience - teen-agers, students, soldiers, new immigrants and native born Israelis together - have become enchanted by a little theater company, Mikro Theater, under the direction of Irena Gorelik, who is also the company’s founder. Originally a playwright and director in Russia, Irena put her experience to work here at first with Russian immigrant youth. Her theater project transformed into the Mikro Theater, a young and dynamic theater company that includes olim and Israelis performing together in the small theater of the Khan in Jerusalem.
Voices attended the Mikro performance of “Shirim M'HaBoydom,” (Songs from the Attic). A touching, energetic, and humorous musical trip down memory lane, Shirim M’HaBoydom presents 50s and 60s Israeli songs as the remedy for the soul’s ills. It stars talented duo Sima Goren and Michael Goroden as the likable doctor and her many patients.
Goroden is a man of many faces, and Goren is multi-talented and charming - the perfect ingenue.
More on Mikro’s repertoire:

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